Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The RCIA is the process by which adults are bought into membership of the Catholic Church.
The RCIA can best be described as a journey of faith, a chance to discover more about who we are as sons or daughters of a gracious and loving God. It’s a time to reflect on what this relationship means to us and what it may ask of us. Also an opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ. My experience with the RCIA over a few years has convinced me of the importance of the RCIA in my parish. Being involved with people who wish to join the Catholic Church in their adult life is a humbling and sometimes challenging experience for RCIA teams, sponsors and members of the parish. “Inquirers”, people searching for meaning in their lives, invite the members of the parish and RCIA team to travel with them on their spiritual journey. What a privilege. At St Edward’s we commence the RCIA journey with our information night, followed by weekly gatherings where we read and reflect on the scriptures and gospel values. The instruction that is given during this period enlightens faith, directs the heart towards God and nurtures a life in accord with the spirit of Christ. The steps in the RCIA process are formally recognized by liturgical rites and carried out within the body of the worshipping community. The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist are celebrated at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday Night. For more information about the RIte of Christian Initiation of Adults please refer to the Archdiocese of Brisbane website. |